
Building & Grounds
The Mission of Building, Grounds and Maintenance Committee is to assist in the development and maintenance of the parish facilities and grounds.

Cemetery Committee
Leader: Mrs. Judy Moffitt | Phone: 573-718-6160

Eucharistic Adoration
Leader: Mr. Tony Hickey | Phone: 573-718-319

Faith Formation/ RCIA / PSR
The mission of the Faith Formation Commission is to oversee the committees/programs that lead the parishioners in educational and spiritual growth.

Knights of Columbus
The Kights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society. The order holds true to it's founding principals of charity, unity,...

Music Ministry
The purpose of the Music Ministry is to lead people closer to Christ through His great gift of Music.

Our Lady Of Guadalupe
The purpose of the Guadalupe Group is to familiarize our congregation with the Virgin Mary in her image as Our Lady of Guadalupe and to increased devotion to Her.

Parish Council
The Mission of the Parish Council is to assist the Pastor in the decisions that affect the parish in: finance, building, ministry, and education.

Parish Finance Council
The Mission of the Finance Council is to provide information and guidance to the Parish Council and pastor with regard to financial matters of the parish.

Parish Life and Hospitality
The Mission of the Parish Life and Hospitality Committee is to create a welcoming and comforatable atmosphere to all new and estalished...

Parish Picnic
The Mission of the Parish Picnic is to foster fellowship and community within Sacred Heart Parish as well as a faith outreach to our community by offering a way for all membes to come together for a relaxing afternoon of conversation, food, and fun.

Prayer and Worship Committee
The Prayer and Worship Committee gives direction and input to a wide variety of parish liturgical events, and deals with the pastoral and...

Sacred Heart Catholic School
Sacred heart Catholic School provides a Christ-centered foundation for life-long leaners upon which to base intellectual, spiritual, economic and emotional decisiosns affecting the local and global community.

School Board
The Mission of the School Board is to support the Parish families by providing Catholic education.

St. Anne’s Society
St. Anne’s Society unites all women of Sacred Heart Parish in spiritual, educational, and social activities while encouraging support of our parish, school, and community.

St. Vincent De Paul
The Mission of St. Vincent de Paul is to serve the poor within the boundaries of the parish by providing immediate help and care.

Stewardship Committee
We are called through our Baptism to become a follower of Christ and to identify, develop and use our God given gifts of time, talent and financial resources to build the church