Building & Grounds The Mission of Building, Grounds and Maintenance Committee is to assist in the development and maintenance of the parish facilities and grounds. JOIN US When: Announcements will be in the bulletin. Leader: Mr. Michael Clausen v CONNECT WITH...
Parish Council The Mission of the Parish Council is to assist the Pastor in the decisions that affect the parish in: finance, building, ministry, and education. JOIN US When: The first Monday of each month, 6:00pm Where: St. Anne’s Dining Hall President:...
Parish Finance Council The Mission of the Finance Council is to provide information and guidance to the Parish Council and pastor with regard to financial matters of the parish. JOIN US When: Where: Leader: Mrs. Kim Capps v CONNECT WITH US Email:
Stewardship Committee We are called through our Baptism to become a follower of Christ and to identify, develop and use our God given gifts of time, talent and financial resources to build the church. JOIN US When: Where: Leader: v CONNECT WITH US ...