Parish Picnic The Mission of the Parish Picnic is to foster fellowship and community within Sacred Heart Parish as well as a faith outreach to our community by offering a way for all membes to come together for a relaxing afternoon of conversation, food, and fun. ...
Prayer and Worship Committee The Prayer and Worship Committee gives direction and input to a wide variety of parish liturgical events, and deals with the pastoral and logistical issues relating to the prayer and worship life of the parish. This includes ministries...
Sacred Heart Catholic School Sacred Heart Catholic School provides a Christ-centered foundation for life-long learners upon which to base intellectual, spiritual, economic, and emotional decisiosns affecting the local and global community. JOIN US When: Monday...
School Board The Mission of the School Board is to support the Parish families with providing a Catholic education. JOIN US When: Where: Sacred Heart School President: Chad Parks v CONNECT WITH US BACK TO...
St. Anne’s Society St. Anne’s Society unites all women of Sacred Heart Parish in spiritual, educational and social activities, while encouraging support of our parish, school and community. JOIN US When: The second Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm...